Monday, November 03, 2008

Voting quandry resolved

ever since the voter information packet came in the mail, i have had one question in my mind:

"¿can i vote for SUPERDELL?"

this may be my one chance to vote for this loony. ¿are there any oddball bragging rights earned for voting for Dell Schanze in the Governor's race?

then as i was looking through the information for the other candidates i can vote for, i pulled up Schanze's webpage just to see his platform... yeesh.

i think that Schanze is the only person in the world who could call Utah's current Governor an "anti-Christ socialist" and be serious about it. socialism and the Republican Party is an odd enough of a mix, but ¿the "anti-Christ" accusation?

Schanze has listed himself as "Christian" as his religious affiliation, instead of LDS (which he is unless he has changed his relationship with the LDS Church). i'm not sure if we should be grateful for that distinction. i won't be surprised if SUPERDELL announces that he has just revealed to himself, through his own divine intervention, that he is to start up his own fundamentalist christian church. if you know anything about this guy, expect to see the baptismal font right next to the gun range, WWDD billboards and commercials, and Schanze will be the only speaker at all of the services.

at least i have my answer. i can't vote for Schanze, even as a joke and even though my vote wouldn't have mattered in the race. i just can't be responsible for giving someone so unstable any sort of ground to stand on in order to justify his lunacy.

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