Thursday, March 27, 2008

In Mamma's Arms

Laura is very happy with her new baby (and i am too).­ Laura seems to be recovering quite well.­ some of the nurses seem impressed at how well Laura is doing.­ once she was unhooked from the IV and other junk, Laur was immediately out of bed on her own to stretch her legs and back.­

Laura's pain levels have been really low.­ she's only been uncomfortable a couple of times and she has been taking low doses of pain medication.

Maggie knows how to let EVERYONE know that she's not content, but it doesn't take long for her mom to calm her back down.­ it's fun to see Laura take care of our little girl.­

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cutest part of a newborn is how they like to keep their limbs all curled up. I guess Maggie has her own version, after being breech!